My Husband Left Me for a Man
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My Husband Left Me for a Man


作者: Marie Baker Mason
页数: 202
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424134328







Jo Marie Waller is in trouble. Her husband, Reginald Waller, has left her for a man, her twin boys and housekeeper are murdered, and someone is out to kill her. And, after the burial of her boys, Jo Marie is forced to run for her life. She is a target of the moba]and of a murderer. Chester Sands is a private investigator and black belt expert hired by Gregory Jones to go undercover as a gardener at the house of Reginald Walleras lover, Bob Stewart-Gray. Gregory implicates Bob and Reginald as the two who were involved in money laundering in his investment company. However, the real conspirator is Gregory; he has used them as a cover for his mob business, manufacturing drugs and hiding them in tee shirts. David Logan and Jessica Leah befriended Jo Marie only to get information to take back to Gregory, the boss of the mob operation. But, when Claudia, Jo Marieas housekeeper, an undercover agent, warns her of danger, Gregory hires a hit man to kill Claudia and Jo Marieas twins. Gregory feels threatened by Jo Marie and concludes that she has to die also, before she blows the whistle on his whole operation.

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