Lost in a storm of thundering torrential rain, Carin finds herself being rescued by a tall, quiet stranger. Should she put her faith in him with complete trust or was she only delaying her fate? Running from danger only to find even more danger of the sensual kind? Was he for real? All she could see was the gentle kindness displayed in his eyes. Was it fate or GOD that had stepped in? Greedy kin sought to control her fortune through marriage. But someone had a higher control of her life. Was she willing to take a chance? Would it be worth it? Tradeyn had his own problems to work out, but was willing to stop long enough to help someone else in need. Reality set in when he accepted what GOD had provided as an answer to his situation. It could very well be the solution to both their needs. Was she to be the perfect lamb for sacrifice? Could two wrongs make a right? Only time and love could correct their choices and turn the bad into good.