The Saga of Pinehill, Book II
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The Saga of Pinehill, Book II


作者: Ken Darby
页数: 464
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9781424134199







Eloise and David made it home safely. David still didn't think higher law was the way. He had been well-trained by his father to believe that money was power, and if you had a lot of it, you had all the power you needed. David pays a high price for his mistake. He finally marries Pam, and the pair of them decide they want to try to live in Boolanga's village in South America. Eloise, helping them out, receives a surprise proposal of marriage. This proposal comes from a magnificent man, adored by women and admired by men. However, upon marriage, she gets the surprise of her life. The story deals with many of Eloise's friends in both happy and traumatic circumstances. You will find romance like you have never known it, adventure you never thought possible, and the life lessons that so many of us forget. Fear raises its ugly head throughout this book, keeping men from being what they can be. It expresses itself in subtle ways that man cannot see. Read on, enjoy...

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