Flower of Egypt
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Flower of Egypt


作者: Norma Rowland
页数: 220
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424129799







In the eighteenth century BC during the reign of Sesostris III, pharaoh of all Egypt, Asenath, daughter of a priest, is given in marriage to Joseph, son of Jacob and one of twelve brothers. The custom of the day is for the pharaoh to give a special young virgin as wife to a man who, for various reasons, has won the favor of the pharaoh. Joseph, elevated to high position as co-pharaoh after interpreting Pharaohas dreams, was put in charge of administering the harvest and storage of grain for a predicted famine. Against the background of turmoil in Egypt, through plenty and worldwide famine, attempts on the life of Pharaoh and her personal experience of learning to love her devoted husband, Asenath grows into a mature woman. It is a love story of an obedient wife who learns to love her gentle, loving husband, awed by his unswerving faith as she draws alongside his walk with the Lord God, Yahweh. But it is her faith in Yahweh that makes her marriage complete and fulfils the happiness she has been searching for all of her life.

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