The Writings of Tranquil Nights and Apathetic Days
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The Writings of Tranquil Nights and Apathetic Days


作者: Lana L·Cameron
页数: 66
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424129164







The Writings Of Tranquil Nights and Apathetic Days was written with the intention to resonate universally. This meaning within the contents of the pages is some sort of message that can be beneficial to anyone who reads it. This clear and easy-to-understand book offers to the reader the strength and encouragement to get in touch with his or her own emotions, recognize unhealthy thought patterns, and break old patterns that seem to continually create roadblocks. The author shows us how to look at our own traumatic experiences in a healthier perspective in order to bring about transcendence, healing, growth, self-empowerment, and ultimately, SELF-LOVE. Self-love is the key to success in all aspects of our lives whether it be in relationships, financial status, business endeavors, or other. Why? Because without self-judgment, the need to judge others becomes obsolete. Without self-hatred, the need to project hatred, anger, or control upon others diminishes. With the elimination of self-destruction, there would be less chaos. Imagine the impact we could have upon the world if we, as a whole, could learn to have complete self-acceptance. Envision, if you will, the possibility of evolving into a society one step closer to living as a whole, in unity, and at peace. SELF-LOVE is where it all begins.

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