Captain Nick Logan and the Pirates of Perry's Cove
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Captain Nick Logan and the Pirates of Perry's Cove


作者: S·DelCol M
出版年: 2006-3
页数: 214
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781424125722







Ahoy matey This story is about a school boy named Nicholas who solves his problems through a magical parallel pirate world where he is Captain Nick Logan and his crewmates are his school pals. With his father lost at sea and the coincidental disappearance of his motheras wedding ring, an eerie omen hangs over the household, and hope runs thin that his father will return. The lighthouse at Perryas Cove beams steadily over the waters, longing to catch a glimpse of sails on the horizon. As Captain Nick and his ship, The Maiden, take to the high seas in search of the lost diamond, they are pursued by pirates, ghostly galleons, sharks and other dangers as the hunt for the treasure takes them on a magical journey of swashbuckling adventure Rich in suspense, mystery, humor, and sword-clashing adventure, this book is a must-read for the whole family. Students of all ages will be able to relate to Nickas experiences both in and out of school. Enjoy the voyage Fair winds

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