Death of a Legend
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Death of a Legend


作者: Mike Ragan
出版年: 2007-4
页数: 154
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781424125104







Almost thirty years ago, possibly the greatest pop idol of all time died a legend, and since that time he has been spotted in the most improbable places. What if it were true? The story begins in Las Vegas. A pop legend suddenly announces his impending retirement and within a few days he is dead from a supposed heart attack, or was he murdered? There was, after all, a fortune involved. And if this was the case, who was involved, and who would benefit? The fortune is left to a number of unknowns in the form of a atronc, a insofar as each legatee is entitled to a share of the interest of the fortune during their lifetimes. As each legatee dies, the fortune will be re-shared equally until the last man standing inherits all of the money. A lawyer travels around Europe to find the first of the legatees, but suddenly mysterious circumstances begin to occur, to the legatees as well as other people who were associated with the legend during his lifetime, including his personal doctor and his long-time agent. Were they murdered, or were these just coincidental accidents? Will the mystery of the tronc and the legend be revealed?

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