Alandra Valentine, a young girl gifted with strange magical abilities, moves to the small rural village of Havenas gate to escape her past. Havenas gate is run by an ancient magical society known only as the Guardians of the Light. She is soon asked to join the ranks of the guardians by the mysterious elder of the guardians, and leader of the village, Silvius Alarah. Her idealistic world is soon shattered when during a ritualistic protection ceremony something goes terribly wrong. A mysterious gateway is openeda]and a terrifying army of living nightmares emerge from it. The army is led by a mysterious warrior womanahalf-human, half-demonato whom Alandra feels a strange connection. Alandra is plagued by dreams of a past she does not remember, and by a book that could change the world forever if it should fall into the wrong hands. Her whole life is turned upside down and nothing, or anyone, is what it seemsa]