What the Eyes Behold
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What the Eyes Behold


作者: K·L·Camper
页数: 78
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424120697







I was born in 1972, in Detroit, Michigan. I have lived pretty much all around the west side of Detroit, growing up a few years in the projects in central Detroit. I am the oldest of six children, and I have six beautiful children of my own. Currently, I am trying to be the best mother possible. I dedicate myself to being a good mother, so I like to share some care and concern to others who are less fortunate. We can all benefit from each other in some form, even if itas just to listen to someone who needs a little relief. As an adult, I have grown a little wiser and my mind is open more to what goes on and the effects to come. I hope this book finds the readers in the best of spirits and mind. I wrote these things to show others itas not as bad as they may think, especially when there is someone out here who has and is doing worse. KEEP YOUR HEADS UP I want to thank everyone for their support, especially the family members and friends who stood by me, no matter how long itas been since youave heard from me. aBetter Days, a love you all

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