aChosen, a the word is laced with awe throughout the kingdom. To be chosen is to bring honor and glory, or banishment and death. For the new group of aChosena it has meaning they have yet to understand and implications yet to realize by being summoned to such a high calling, though some already have a plan. Adonia has the deepest love and respect for the King and would go to any length for his honor. Meanwhile, Plickta despises the King and seeks to find a way to literally bury him. The calling has been issued, the ten have gathered, and the assignment given. They are to create a whole new world in which they will lead, but only one can be King. Even before the world is finished sides are taken and lines drawn. Who will become ruler of their creation? What force will armor the one chosen to be the new king; love, cunning, brute force, wisdom, or pure luck.