The Orange Iceberg
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The Orange Iceberg


作者: D·Delores Westphal
页数: 186
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424115167







Owning a day care for over 25 years, I became acutely aware of preschoolersa humorous use of words and phrases. I recorded their words for several years. I found myself instantly converting it to aadult speak.a The Orange Iceberg is my analogy of the challenges of owning a day care, infused with the wonderful enchanting words of the children. The name symbolizes my feelings of isolation and desperation as I worked at the day care. When I asked my grandson Dylan what he was coloring he said, aItas a orange iceberg.a I immediately felt this captured the twists and turns of day care. The color orange represented its precariousness, and the iceberg the isolation of working in a day care. The book continues with the theme of how difficult this job is, while looking at it through the rose-colored glasses of humor. It is a collection of what I call achild speak, a the ubiquitous words of children, in their pursuit of the English language. What children say is entertaining. The book is a collection of the comical interpretations of preschool childrenas developing language skills. They are direct quotes from the children. It is also my personal journey realizing what working with children had done to me, and for me. As I fumbled about finding solutions to the difficulties faced in any day care setting, I continue to emphasize how working with children can stretch your sanity and challenge your compassion. This is a humorous look at day care. I sincerely believe everyone likes a good kid story

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