Buried Deep Within
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Buried Deep Within


作者: Deanna Marie
页数: 56
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424112760







I am a mother of four beautiful children. The best way to deal with feelings is to write and share them. A lot of people have been through similar experiences, and I hope they can learn and grow from my words. I lived a rough life and still am. I grew up poor and have been that way all my life. With the success I hope my book has, I will finally be able to live without fear. My husband and my son are my biggest inspirations. My son is ten and thinks Mommy is the best. I also have three daughters, ages fifteen, fourteen, and eleven. My book being published is a dream come true for me. Now that it is being done, I couldnat be happier. I do have setbacks like everyone in this world, but Iam always optimistic and try to be positive. The only way to get through life is by being positive, learning from your experiences and growing from them. This book is about life in general, but mainly it is about being a woman in love and dealing with life. These are feelings that a lot of women and men have, but they never confront them. My book tells how sometimes you can make a good situation out of a bad one. When feelings are strong and hard to deal with, a lot of people find comfort in a book that they can relate to. This book relates to everyone. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to the next one.

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