Fear Thrusting Forward Only to Restrain
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Fear Thrusting Forward Only to Restrain


作者: Danielle R·G·Villeneuve
页数: 62
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424111022







This work, written in rhyme, sails to the depths of my soul and unfurls my mind. It is the absurd realities that have caught my eye, twisted into theories neatly conveyed through symbolic verse. Examined within are the obvious thoughts-relentlessly overlooked-that are carelessly accepted elements of life. They are deliberately transformed, however, into explanations for the not so apparent. The beauty of expression, in such poetic abstract, is to entirely lay one's self on the line without the perplexing emotion that accompanies everything: fear. The fear that surrounds all that is imagined, believed and/or executed ironically does not influence the publication of this poetry. I, at last, have no fear of being judged on the reflection and interpretation of my words, for there can be no concrete understanding. The ability to fully comprehend another is as intangible as the dream of utter perfection; although these pursuits are respectably desirable, attainment of them would lead only to an unwanted end and consequently to boredom. As a quest to gain limited understanding of the human mind, of the everlasting fear with which we all reside, and to provide an outlook perhaps not previously attended to, I sincerely give to you my compilation of attempted expression.

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