No Time for Sorrow
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No Time for Sorrow


作者: Cynthia Somma
页数: 66
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424103300







In a world filled with darkness and despair, everyone needs a lightaone of faith, one of hope, and the other love, which are the keys to everything. In this story you will find a family who went through many difficult times. But the strength and perception of a motheras love for her and her family gave them the gift to survive lifeas greatest obstacles, and to look at everything in a different way. In this book, you will see the hardships that she dealt with, from simple debt to abusive relationships. One thing that life should teach everyone is that there are no victims. A person chooses her life and how to lead it, and thatas what life has taught the author. It shows how to be a survivor, not a victim. That you should focus on the solution, not the problem. That instead of the negative, you should find the positive things that happen every day. The events in your life and how you deal with them help make up who you are. Most of all, life teaches you that if you feel youare a victim, you are, but you can choose not to be.

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