As Fate Would Have It
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As Fate Would Have It


作者: Lisa R·Robbins
页数: 94
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424101856







Everyone lives their life for a purpose; I always thought mine was to make others happy. In the events of my poems, feelings that were kept inside are able to come out. I started writing because I finally found my true love. I have had some tough times as well as anyone out there and I have had some amazing moments in life. With each poem I write, I depict a part of my soul that I can in no other way explain. I know that some people will read each poem and wonder what it all means, but for those who do read and understand, this will make it worthwhile. I didnat expect to find the heart nor the strength in myself that I have stumbled upon when I write. Love has filled my life and given me the goal to be a better person while being able to tell others how I have lived so far. There will always be those few special people who mean the most to us, and in these poems, I just wanted everyone to know how much those people have meant to my life. I am changed every day by those closest to me and live to make more memories so that I may transpose them onto paper for the world to experience.

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