Love Among The Chickens
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Love Among The Chickens


作者: [英] P·G·Wodehouse
出版年: 2005-7
页数: 236
定价: $ 31.58
ISBN: 9781421807911







Purchase one of 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - It sounds so weak-minded. But in the case of Love Among the Chickens it is unavoidable. It was not so much that you sympathised and encouraged - where you really came out strong was that you gave me the stuff. I like people who sympathise with me. I am grateful to those who encourage me. But the man to whom I raise the Wodehouse hat - owing to the increased cost of living, the same old brown one I had last year - it is being complained of on all sides, but the public must bear it like men till the straw hat season comes round - I say, the man to whom I raise this venerable relic is the man who gives me the material. Sixteen years ago, my William, when we were young and spritely lads; when you were a tricky centre-forward and I a fast bowler; when your head was covered with hair and my list of "Hobbies" in Who's Who included Boxing; I received from you one morning about thirty closely-written foolscap pages, giving me the details of your friend ---'s adventures on his Devonshire chicken farm. Round these I wove as funny a plot as I could, but the book stands or falls by the stuff you gave me about "Ukridge" - the things that actually happened.

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