Conscience of a Dead Killer
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Conscience of a Dead Killer


作者: Gary Delfino
出版年: 2005-12
页数: 248
定价: $ 16.37
ISBN: 9781420897098







Is there life after death? According to religious beliefs, there is. Heaven waits for believers, and Hell waits for those who are evil. For the evil convicted killer, BILLY BOYLE, there is a fate worse than Hell. After his execution he meets his Spirit Guide. He discovers his divine punishment. He will be going back in time, and going back in time to witness the life of his first victim, his late wife Susan. As an unseen ghost from the future, Billy is now forced to watch her grow into the beautiful woman, who he will marry and ultimately murder on their honeymoon for money. Also, Billy's Ghost gets one little bonus: He now has a conscience. After witnessing his evil act, Billy's Spirit is once again hurled back in time in order to watch the life and death of yet another victim. This is where things change for Billy. Billy's Ghost discovers that for some strange reason, a famous retired FBI agent can see and hear him where no one else can. Together, they earnestly work to stop the living killer from murdering his four victims. Unfortunately, stopping the evil and ruthless Billy Boyle, is no easy task.

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