Within The Darkness
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Within The Darkness


作者: Stacee R·Mosier
出版年: 2005-12
页数: 304
定价: $ 17.50
ISBN: 9781420887549







Robyn Rhys is a woman that seems to have it all. President of a chain of vocational schools, wife, mother and community leader in Orlando Fl. At 33 she has a life to envy. A woman adapt at being the perfect person for every aspect of her life. But what the world doesn't see is a woman being torn apart. Antonia Colburn has just been appointed the Deputy DA for the new Special Crimes Unit in the city of Chicago. At 34, she is the youngest woman to hold such a position. She has been a passionate prosecutor and an advocate for women and children. Yet her personal life is empty and now her passion for justice is threatening her very existence. Robyn and Toni were the best of friends. A friendship that was torn apart by love, betrayal and secrets. Thrown back together by fate or so they believe. Their reunion will set them on a journey to examine the past. A past filled with secrets that neither wish to reveal. With a common goal to seek justice, each must learn to trust the other. Robyn must find and use the anger she holds inside, while Toni must learn to let go of the same. As the past is revealed and their demons faced, the new bonds they have forged will be tested. And only then can the Darkness within be released.

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