I'm Moving Back to Mars
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I'm Moving Back to Mars


作者: Fred Wooldridge
页数: 176
定价: $ 17.50
ISBN: 9781420886979







Moving Back to Mars is a curl up on the couch, fun book of easy reading, full of short stories that have nothing to do with science fiction or the planet Mars. It is, instead, the author's zany struggle to understand and maintain his relationships with the female species. If he can just accomplish that, he will not have to give in and move home to Mars. Both men and women will love reading his viewpoints on everything from why men ever taught women to play golf to exactly how women have overtaken the world, right under men's noses. This is a book for everyone who enjoys having fun. If laughter comes easy to you, be prepared to hold your sides. At a minimum, he guarantees big smiles as you read each different story and try to understand and figure out his plight. Just when you think you have the author figured out, you'll turn the page and, POW, you are off in a different adventure. Some will say the book is full of convoluted thinking and others will conclude the author is eccentric. While both are correct the book contains a lot more than that. Moving Back to Mars pokes fun of everything from religion to terrorists, from adult children's stories to advice columns. Nothing is sacred in this satire piece of work. When you finish the last page of this book, you will want to start again with Chapter 1 and read it again. Moving Back to Mars is a hilarious look at life

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