The Burning Ground
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The Burning Ground


作者: Tak Paris
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 400
定价: $ 22.59
ISBN: 9781420872903







This unique, autobiographical novel details life in an authentic, spiritual community. Deeply personal and soul wrenching, it is a true account of one man''s search for spiritual enlightenment. The author''s own testimony to the path of self-realisation is painstakingly recorded in extracts from his Spiritual Diary. It is set in the early 80''s, in a sleepy, Hertfordshire village in England. D.B., a Master Teacher and his elite inner circle disciples run the community. An outer circle of probationary disciples completes the group dynamics. Chris is thrust into a metaphysical cauldron of transformation by an act of fate, which is destined to change his life forever. His wife Elena, who is primarily inspired by Stellios, a young Don Juan character, introduces him to the esoteric teachings. He entices the naive couple into a roller coaster ride of turbulent and devastating experiences. Relationships falter and trust is betrayed. Deception, conspiracy and inter-group rivalry are rife in this spiritual melting pot. Boys are smelted into men as they battle demons and angels in their heads. After a psycho-spiritual breakdown, Chris treads the hallowed path of spiritual return. In a series of reincarnation experiences he pieces together a tapestry of the group''s past lives. They had all shared lives in The English Civil War period Royalists again plot against Parliamentarians, in a virtual re-enactment of the political power struggle of the 17th century. Chris rises quickly through the ranks, until he is DB''s main advisor. His meteoric rise creates enemies in both circles. In the final climax, DB confirms a past life link to the historical King Arthur, the 6th century Romano-Celt war leader.With his spiritual destiny revealed, he experiences The Burning Ground and prepares for his karmic duty, to retread the Quest for the Holy Grail.

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