The Bogota Connection
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The Bogota Connection


作者: Peter W·Rainier
出版年: 2005-8
页数: 464
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9781420869439







A chance encounter. A deadly secret. An international conspiracy. Sixteen-year-old Craig Fox has no ordinary childhood. Growing up on his family's emerald mine in 1930s Colombia, he is aware of bandits who threaten their livelihood - and their lives. Life at the exclusive boarding school in the capital, Bogota, is safer - and duller. But Craig's life changes forever when he stumbles upon an upperclassman paying off a Colombian assassin for services rendered. The young man encounters Richard Bannerman, son of the Canadian ambassador to Colombia, and a ruthless schemer with his sights already on a political career. This young upstart, Craig Fox, must not be allowed to interfere with Richard's carefully laid plans. An assassin is hired, a murder is staged, and a battle over the Foxes' emerald mine leads to an intergenerational blood feud. Fox and Bannerman next cross paths in an elite Spitfire Squadron in war-torn Italy. Bannerman is now a Canadian war hero, and is calmly paving his path to Parliament with the bodies of those who oppose him. Fox soon discovers that his old enemy will not rest until he too joins the list of the dead. From dazzling fire-fights over the Italian countryside, to the political machinations of postwar Canada, to the narcotic wars of the 1980s, the deadly dance between Fox and Bannerman spirals out of control. An old enemy from Bogota has returned, and he intends to make the future Prime Minister Bannerman a puppet of the Colombian Drug Cartel. As Party Convention and Bannerman's victory draws near, Fox is in a race against time... on an unstoppable course back to Bogota and the bitter legacy he left behind.

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