Uncommon Sense
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Uncommon Sense


作者: C·L·Mason
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 76
定价: $ 15.20
ISBN: 9781420864359







I was driven to write this book out of my concern for the stories I read almost daily about someone who was at the same crossroad I was, and resorted to desperate measures because they could not handle the reality of their break-up. The man in Maryland, who killed his ex-wife, his kids and then himself; that bewildered woman in Detroit, who set her son ablaze because she was going to lose custody of him to her ex-husband; that lost soul in Jacksonville, who shot himself in the head because his girlfriend of four years decided she wanted to see someone else. Unfortunately, I could go on and on because there are many horrifying stories being created even as you are reading this book. I want people with similar dilemmas to know and understand that they are not alone. A crossroad does not define them as a person, and there is a light, as dim as it may be now, shining brightly at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully if you are considering a desperate act, I can help you understand, that is not the answer. You share company with some of the most successful, powerful and prolific people on the planet. When it comes down to it, whether you are wealthy or homeless, the one thing that we all have in common is pain. So allow me to share what I have learned and try to shed some light on this dark subject of break ups, betrayal and heartache. Hopefully my sincere efforts can do a small part in making this beautiful world of ours a better place to win and lose at this unpredictable game of love.

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