Maggie's in the Driver's Seat
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Maggie's in the Driver's Seat


作者: Erin Ley
出版年: 2005-7
页数: 80
定价: $ 34.47
ISBN: 9781420864274







Maggie's in the Driver's Seat, by Erin Ley, is a children's book intended for ages four and up. It is comprised of six fun-filled, action-packed stories centered around the main character, Maggie the Magnificent, and her spaceship. Maggie is a twelve-year-old space academy student in the year 3510, whose loving heart, curious mind, and certainly adventurous and persistent spirit take her to six different planets within the six stories. Each story entails her traveling to a different planet and occasions the need to demonstrate a different and dominant positive character trait: 1) Responsibility; 2) Respect; 3) Honesty and Accountability; 4) Compassion; 5) Self-Discipline; and 6) Generosity. It is a charming and exciting collection of stories that evokes age-appropriate dialogue between parent and child, teacher and child, and even child and child. The intended dialogue helps children to better understand how these personal traits apply to their own lives and how they affect the lives of others as well. Steven Adams' creative and brilliant illustrations wonderfully enhance the stories. Maggie's in the Driver's Seat is a children's book that will also attract the educational, action/adventure, and religious/spiritual markets as well.

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