It's Hard To Believe With No Salt No Sugar
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It's Hard To Believe With No Salt No Sugar


作者: E L Hughes
出版年: 2005-7
页数: 120
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781420862799







This book is designed for, and dedicated to, caregivers across the nation who spend each day preparing meals for family members with special meal needs, while trying to please the rest of the family. Preparing meals for a family member who has been restricted from salt or sugar creates a problem that affects the entire family. However, all family members will benefit from delicious and well-planned meals which are prepared without adding salt or sugar. Statistics have shown that if one family member has been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or obesity, it is likely that other family members will be diagnosed in later years. Preparing food without adding salt or sugar is essential in assisting your family in maintaining good health. Our main purpose is to assist families in locating recipes, health charts, portion sizes and information on caring for a family member who has been diagnosed with life threatening diseases that requires limited salt or sugar. Before making any changes in your current food preparation, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist.

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