Fools Rush In - Where Angels...
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Fools Rush In - Where Angels...


作者: Merritt Charles
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 360
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9781420860689







Set in today's America, where the bar seems to be lowered for moral and ethical standards, this fast moving story chronicles the plight of four men, each of whom have experienced sensual or personal frustrations that prompt them to visit the seamy side of town. Unfortunately, their indiscretions lead them into a diabolical scheme where they find themselves caught in the vise grip of a cunning and resourceful former bad cop, now turned extortionist. The blackmailer is their current problem because his beautiful and seductive partner was their first mistake. Those 'fooled' deal with their dilemma in varied ways. Some are successful, some are not. One incurs tragic results. Will their personal and financial lives be salvaged and will the perpetrators be brought to justice as they weave their elusive way across the country, wreaking havoc on additional, unsuspecting victims with every locale they visit? A retired police detective is enlisted by two of those involved and a team effort is launched to rein in the blackmailers. Success or failure of their search is dependent upon a match of wits, resources and crucial timing of the two former police officers - good cop versus bad cop Frustration - temptation - indiscretion - extortion

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