Burden of Lineage
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Burden of Lineage


作者: E·D·Motycka
出版年: 2005-6
页数: 192
定价: $ 15.26
ISBN: 9781420850109







As with all things in this world, there is always a beginning. Burden of Lineage is one such beginning. In the title story of this anthology, E.D. Motycka's engrossing first offering to the world of fiction, the reader rubs gravestones with Shelly Chandler as she heals from the tragic loss of her parents, attempts to put her trust in a doctor she believes is grappling with extreme conflicting interests, and battles her uncle for the liberty of choosing to accept her own burden of lineage, the inheritance of the vast family empire. In five other absorbing stories the reader pants through the dark tunnels of an old sewer and comes face to face with the piss yellow of fear and the booming blue of life's solitude; kicks through a pile of leaves and floats away in a triumphant example of willpower and miracles; dresses the memory of baseball in an orange rind; struggles as a priest with faith, death, and murder under a full moon in southeastern Wisconsin; and wrestles with personal identity as that same identity twists, slips, and bends over mirrors and reflective surfaces. In a world where readers are bombarded with too many books that leave them with little to chew on, E.D. Motycka has interjected a collection of entertaining and thought provoking stories. These stories are without a doubt the freshest new beginning the world of fiction has seen for a promising new writer. And, well as we said . . . this is only a beginning.

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