August Nights
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August Nights


作者: Donna Ge Kirby
出版年: 2005-7
页数: 272
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9781420843996







British rock legend Justin Chapman is unlucky at love. After his second wife sues him for divorce, he travels to San Antonio, Texas to seek refuge at the home of Stella Lynch, his best friend of nineteen years. Needing cash for her daughter, Chloe's, graduation car, Stella accepts an offer for four days work on a video shoot. As soon as she is gone, Chloe single-mindedly pursues Justin. It seems she realized they were soul mates when she was fourteen years old. It was time he recognized it as well. Justin-who has never viewed Chloe as anything more than a younger sister-is astonished by her declaration. He is even more astonished by his reaction. From the moment Chloe makes her announcement he is almost irresistibly drawn to her. Dear God, can it be? Does he really love her too? Yes, he does. But how could a man who loves a woman so much, desert her the morning after her deflowering? August Nights is a hilarious narration about an unlikely couple in extraordinary circumstances. For Justin and Chloe, the path to love is straight up Mount Everest. Their age difference, her status as Stella's daughter, Justin's well-earned insecurities, all make the likelihood of a future together as remote as winning the Lotto. But you know.sometimes somebody wins that Lotto.

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