Hidden Entertainment Mediums
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Hidden Entertainment Mediums


作者: Matthew Curry
页数: 116
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9781420843088







There are very few books still available, if any, critiquing films from the major low-budget companies of the 20th century. This book does just that, emphasizing on 1970's and 1980's films, the ones that were sort of the "misfits." What you will find in this piece of work is the deepness of each film, something that is not always expressed in public reviews today. You'll see the symbolism and metaphor about each film, and what it really means to all of us in today's society, which is something other reviews did not give us. However, film reviews is not the only piece of art you will get from this book. Music is also discussed, focusing on a particular group that fell from the spotlight, but rose over the world when push came to shove. Also included are new hard media "directed" by the authors themselves. The hard media includes three types that have been part of our culture for centuries: the short story, the play, and the poem. All three express something the films reviewed seemed to put across as well: the truth. Many people still don't want to hear the truth, but we all at times have to be reminded, as we can be in As Low As They Go: Hidden Entertainment Mediums.

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