The Big Heart
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The Big Heart


作者: Helen Weyand
页数: 368
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9781420839661







This fiction is about a man born in the late nineteenth century in one of the flourishing ports of South East Asia. His exciting career as a young and upcoming actor was disrupted by a fatal mistake. With the help of his parents, he recovered, and went abroad to study. He came back with a degree and became a successful business man. With much ado, he finally married the girl of his dreams. The longing for a son weakened his resolve to stay forever faithful to his barren wife. He fell in love with another woman, and took her in as his second wife. Even though she fulfilled his desires and gave him sons, he became vulnerable to beautiful women and after that, married two more times. At that time it was not uncommon for a rich man to have more than one wife, but each wife had a home of her own. This man lived with all of his four wives and children under one roof. The four women loved him through wealth, poverty, sickness and death. While his love for his four wives were unbiased, it was not so with his children. He had a special bond with one of his daughters, who played a great part in the last days of his life. After he died, she faced the consequences of his biased love in the form of abuses that stemmed from subdued jealousies over the years. However, her special relationship with a nun helped her through the difficult times. When this nun died, another emerged to take her place. That confirmed her belief that her father had kept his promise when he said, he would always be there for her no matter where he was. Then in the midst of a horrific situation which would have taken her life that conviction saved her.

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