More Humorous Tales of Woe
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More Humorous Tales of Woe


作者: Patrick Patrick
出版年: 2005-10
页数: 220
定价: $ 15.26
ISBN: 9781420836509







More Humorous Tales of Woe is a compilation of true short stories, which are light-hearted woeful experiences in the life of a poor fellow named Patrick. From his thrilling adventures to his unusual errors in judgment, you'll soon realize Patrick has but one problem...he can't win for losing. With a firm belief he can overcome life's little obstacles through outlandish and absurd reasoning, Patrick pursues his quest to succeed in making it from one day to the next without suffering humiliation or injury. Unfortunately, he usually encounters both but maintains a lust for life and an ability to laugh at himself...or, as he puts it, "I laugh with myself to cheer up my ego." Anyone who likes to have a good laugh, especially at someone else's expense, will enjoy and possibly relate to these humorous tales of woe. If nothing else, these stories offer the reader an opportunity to thank God for the blessing of not being in Patrick's shoes, which he claims are soul-ful, but have been a pain in the butt to journey through life in.

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