An Easy Guide On How to Establish Your First Residential Care Facility
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An Easy Guide On How to Establish Your First Residential Care Facility


作者: Romwell Sabeniano Martinez
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 404
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9781420833577







Why is this book important to you in setting up your care-giving business? This book was written especially for those who are considering the idea of getting into the business of providing service in a residential care setting particularly those who are exploring the business potential for the first time but have little or no experience at all. For those who have a lot of courage and determination to succeed, but may have very limited money to start up the business, this book is for you. It is also for those who are interested in establishing their first residential care business despite their limitations and challenges in setting up the business and not knowing what to do and where to start. The book serves as an easy guide to the inexperienced self-starters who could use some help when going through the whole process from start to finish. It shall clarify the confusion that most beginners in the business normally encounter particularly those who do not have any idea on what to do first, who to turn to next, what agency to approach and when, where to look for the best location for their facility, what form to fill out, how to get funding, etc. Contrary to what other people think, anyone can succeed and make a lot of money in this business. It is up to you to find out if this business is right for you.

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