Brewing a Creative Culture
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Brewing a Creative Culture


作者: The Staff of Dillanos Coffee Roasters
出版年: 2005-2
页数: 100
定价: $ 33.84
ISBN: 9781420833096







If you walk through the front doors of Dillanos Specialty Coffee Roasters you will undoubtedly witness something not traditionally seen in most business settings. In fact, it would seem nothing short of outrageous. It's not the presence of charismatic leaders, although you will soon witness their presence. Rather, at any given moment, a delivery driver, a receptionist or salesperson would appear, acting as though they are the chief executive officer. They could be found straightening furniture in the lobby, picking up a misplaced paper coffee cup and tossing it in a trash can, or stepping over to the entry table to skillfully fan national magazines with Dillanos features. Management does it, minimum wage employees do it. Everybody does it. This personal ownership behavior is not rewarded with special monetary compensations, and there is no point system or other special award for such actions. Nor will you find a special monitoring system that watches if employees are living up to their job descriptions. Every business leader wonders at some point if they have the ability to motivate their employees to have an overwhelming personal pride and a sense of belonging in their company. They try to imagine a place where every staff member has a special family-like connection and share a set of common values. Brewing A Creative Culture will help small- to medium-sized business owners in any industry stop wondering. The key to creating a seamless team as passionate about their company's culture and profitable growth is blocked out into twelve inspiring formulas to blend outrageous fun with high accountability. Some readers will find the formulas familiar. But they'll be driven to action based onthe book's unique approach of sharing Dillanos' story told directly by members of the staff. Whether viewpoints from the CEO and president, or delivery driver and warehouse manager, a delicate hand was used in rewriting their chapters. The idea for this book came from one of Dillanos; members of the sales department, not the CEO. What a perfect start to a project brimming with heart and soul. The twelve formulas for success are within every business leader's grasp. Each chapter gives exact examples during everyday life at Dillanos, and the reasons for applying each formula to meet company goals. By the time the reader reaches the conclusion of Brewing A Creative Culture, they are ready to grade how their company measures up to these solid motivational basics. Readers are armed with the inspiration and formulas to turn disenfranchised employees into unbelievably enthusiastic team members.

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