The Eyes of Ty
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The Eyes of Ty


作者: Alicia Elder
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 140
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781420830002







This book is the realist image of teenage angst since Go Ask Alice. It is the description of events that happen in a teenagers life in the truest form. This book is not one you should read at a glance but look into the words for the deepest meaning that might unfold. If you are looking for someone to relate to when you think no one will understand your struggles read this book. Some of these poems might not be for the light of heart but they will put you back in your teenage days all over again. There are a wide range of poems that make up this book. The subtitle of the book is basically its synopsis. The book consists of poems that are light like about love and poems that are dark which are written about depression. If you enjoy cuddling up to a book that you never know where it is going to turn this is the book for you. If you are looking for a book into which you want to relate to you may find it within these pages.

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