Can You Do ME A Favor?
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Can You Do ME A Favor?


作者: Matthew Fougerousse J
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 292
定价: $ 21.98
ISBN: 9781420824827







Joe didn't have much of a life in high school. Didn't date much, had a lousy job as a security guard, and by the time he started college in Chicago he was still living at home, and going crazy. But then things changed one day, and he met a new friend. Big Ralph was a seemingly kind, patient, and generous man who took an instant liking to young Joe. Over a short period of time, Joe turned 21, and his new friend guided him into the wild exciting world of the 90's dance club scenes, booze, and a whole new world of meeting women. In spite of his booming social life, Joe tries very hard to become a Police Officer, but it just doesn't seem to be as easy as he thought. And in the meantime, he's still going crazy living at home with his parents, who are gently trying to ease him out into the adult world. Ralph notices this, and just when his friend is about to move to Florida to pursue a career there away from his family and friends in Chicago, he makes Joe an offer he can't refuse.... He offers to let Joe move into the upper half of his home, which is a separate apartment. At first, Joe thinks this offer is too good to be true. His own private apartment, a nice neighborhood, great neighbors, only 200 dollars a month for rent, and best of all, the "perfect landlord" living downstairs. Well, Joe quickly learns that there's no such thing as the perfect landlord Shortly after moving into his new apartment to start his new life, Joe begins to notice that his friend and landlord Big Ralph is not the person that he thought he knew. Anger, laziness, greed and jealousy suddenly yield what kind of person Ralph really is. Worse yet, Joe slowly realizes that he is no longer Ralph's friend ortenant.....He has unknowingly become his caregiver. Ralph's family and neighbors try to warn Joe about what he has gotten into, but by that time it's too late. It becomes a carnival of chaos and twisted humor as tenant declares war on the landlord But Big Ralph doesn't back down, and bombards Joe with requests for some rather unusual "favors" that make Joe wish he had never moved in

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