The Rellik
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The Rellik


作者: Michael Denaut J
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 256
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781420816662







Two serial killers that cross paths. One a well liked business owner, who when angered becomes the Mad Butcher, he keeps taxidermy trophies of his victims, in his basement. The other, Mikey a clairvoyant teenager with nothing but hatred aimed towards the world, until he meets his beautiful soul mate. She changes him for the better, but as he reforms, his psychotic dreams (Premonitions) of the Demon clown, become much more personal as IT begins to hunt her down. It's a race against time to save this young innocent beauty. There are also a whole lot of people caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. People from New Jersey... BEWARE Demon clown - An apparition or an unwanted fantasy, that preys upon your mind, body and soul, that turns you into mans worst predator... Man. The beast is half man, half Demon, half clown, and half baboon. It is the equivalent off 200% of pure Fucking Evil. Nothing, no man, devil nor God can prevent it's appearing, nor extinguish its existence. Can you the reader determine what is fantasy and what is reality. For there are unimaginable twists, unbelievable suspense, and unfortunately no happy endings. Warning not for the faint at heart, do not attempt reading this alone... The names have been changed to protect the already dead. THE RELLIK by Michael J. Denaut

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