The Man in the Mirror
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The Man in the Mirror


作者: Cyril Horsham
页数: 324
定价: $ 35.03
ISBN: 9781420808858







This novel is about dialog between two friends from Trinidad and Tobago who met in America after having not seen each other for as long as twenty years. Joseph and Joe were fellow soldiers in the T and T Regiment before Joseph traveled to America in June of 1968 and was drafted into the American Army and sent to Vietnam; Joe stayed in the Regiment in Trinidad and did not come to America until January of 1981. These two friends met by chance and this novel centers on the dialog of their views and of their lives and experiences on the American shores. Joe Six-pack converses with his friend Joseph about the American Culture of Acquisition and how the practice of this culture affects the relationship between public and private enterprise in the present American society and their conversations also exposes the contradictions between the systems of capitalism and democracy. They discuss the effects of Plantation Mentality on the Blackman in America and also on his Caucasian counterpart's behavioral philosophy that has its roots in the American system since the institution of slavery. Joe speaks of the general failure of the present Iraqi conflict, and its similarities with Israel's conflict in Middle East. The failure of the educational system in America and the need for a new educational idealology, which would change the American society and will ultimately bring a new relationship between the American people and the people of the world in general. The Man in the Mirror reflects the thought processes of two very patient individuals who go to great lengths to try to accommodate each others ideals and it is a novel that brings the reader right into the dialog of these two friends. It'sdefinitely an enjoyable reading adventure and you will identify with their experiences.

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