Burning Revenge
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Burning Revenge


作者: E·Patricia Hovis
页数: 552
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781418484842







Devon James had been scarred beyond recognition in a fire he accidentally started in his parent's home. Blaming the fire chief, Nemo Hendricks, for not getting there in time to save his parents he vowed he would get revenge. His scarred face made it impossible for him to get a date as a teenager. Years later he decided to get back at all the girls who rejected him, seven women now in all. They were kidnapped, raped, whipped, shaved and tortured and all held or chained up against their will, this being his revenge at getting back at them. Some were left with terrible scars. Making sure none of his victims talked, Devon put a scare in them which led to certain murders. He was a vicious, nasty excuse for a human being. Devon decided kidnapping Karen Hendricks, the wife of Fire Chief Nemo Hendricks, would be his revenge, which proved to be the wrong move. She escaped after months of captivity and torture and learning about all the other women he hurt, she gets together with them and since they had learned how to take care of themselves, they capture Devon and promise him they were going to have their revenge on him, their, "Burning Revenge." Devon is put on trial for his crimes but the jury sent him to the Insane Asylum. Did he return? Read "Burning Revenge" to find out.

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