Christmas Wishes
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Christmas Wishes


作者: Joseph Moore
页数: 220
定价: $ 15.26
ISBN: 9781418477820







Seven new Christmas tales for grownups. Short stories of adults who due to cynicism, commercialism and isolationism find themselves detached from the Spirit of Christmas. They've got the 'Holiday Blues.' Have they been expecting too much from the Christmas Holidays, or too little? And what does it take to reconnect with the spirit of the season, and discover its true meaning? It can happen in response to a simple heartfelt gesture. Sometimes it takes being forced firmly but kindly out of our comfort zone. At other times it's an alarming event that shakes us out of our slumber. Occasionally it requires the intercession of non-worldly guides. Join the characters of Christmas Wishes as they shrug off the darkness that envelopes those who have, for a variety of reasons, armored themselves against the true Spirit of Christmas, and share their joy when they are once again bathed in its light. Welcome Christmas Wishes into your home to take its place in your family's Holiday traditions. The simple message will brighten your soul, and share its joy, not just in the Yuletide, but all the months of the year. With seven new photographs by Jesmoe Q. Feesh.

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