Story Selling in the Connected Economy
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Story Selling in the Connected Economy


作者: Patrick Thean
页数: 148
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781418470715







A quiet, but powerful revolution is underway. as the Internet and TV worlds converge; corporations are becoming increasingly interested in creating their own corporate TV networks. One of the biggest reasons for this push is the desire to communicate with customers, offer them helpful friendly advice and in so doing, build a relationship of trust. Unfortunately, TV content and corporate content are vastly different. Corporate content is usually dry and typically delivered by a single subject matter expert in a speech or training program. Conversely, TV content is based on story telling, entertaining and informative story packages and is based on a variety of messengers, including heroes, luminaries, and experts. Succeeding in this brave new world may be easier said than done. In order to thrive, corporations must learn three things: how to create content that focuses on what the audience wants to learn, not what you want to sell, how to use the right media and technology to leverage that content, and how to use it effectively in marketing programs. This book teaches corporate communicators how to do exactly that.

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