Perseverance from the Heart
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Perseverance from the Heart


作者: Patrice Watley-Hall
页数: 148
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781418469061







Perseverance from the Heart/Poetic Mind Vibes-a book of poetry tells stories of life, love, death and inspirations. It includes photos to illustrate some of the writings. It has been said that Patrice's writings capture you and touch your heart and soul. You can imagine what she is speaking of as if you she were telling a huge story summed up into few words. People tend to be able to put themselves in the picture and relate to what is being said. She quotes, "There are many stories to be told or read in poetry and spoken word through inner expressions being released through what she calls Poetic Mind Vibes." Unlike some other poets, her poetry is simple to read with clear understanding but tells an abundance of different true to life situations. She wants readers to know that life is a great gift from God, and without life we would not have any experiences to write about or read about, in order to inspire a better tomorrow. She also wants readers to edify and take something from her words to manifest into their own life.

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