Client Seduction
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Client Seduction


作者: Henry DeVries  |  Denise Bryson
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 140
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781418444808







CLIENT SEDUCTION: A Step-by-Step Lead Generation System For Professional and Technology Service Firms In today's market, it is not enough to offer a great service. You must be able to win and woo clients, which means the subtle art of client seduction. Client Seduction highlights a proven step-by-step system to generate leads for organizations who are engaged in a wide range of professional and technology services. These include: consulting, legal, accounting, architecture and engineering, marketing and advertising, venture capital, investment banking, IT services, computer software development, and technology systems integration. Client Seduction shows you: How you could fill a pipeline with qualified prospects in 30 days New ways to use the Internet to find clients 27 best practices to become a new client magnet How you could get a 400% to 2000% return on your marketing investment The Top Ten best tactics to generate clients Based on a four-year research study conducted by the New Client Marketing Institute, Client Seduction takes the scientific approach to marketing and makes it quick and enjoyable reading. Every chapter is packed with bulleted items, numbered steps and quick-to-read examples that immediately demonstrate each concept.

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