In the Truth
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In the Truth


作者: Paul McCool
页数: 316
定价: $ 33.28
ISBN: 9781418438777







Where love rules there is no will to power; where power predominates, there love is lacking. Carl Jung ( 1875-1961 ) Actual news. July 17, 2003 - Calgary, Canada Bethany Hughes, a Jehovah's Witness, died after refusing life-saving blood transfusions. Bethany was 17. March 10, 2003 - Newport, Oregon According to police, Christian Lango, 29, feeling shame for being excommunicated from Jehovah's Witnesses, killed his wife and three children. January 17, 2003 - Oregon Robert Bryant, expelled from Jehovah's Witnesses, killed his wife, Jane, their four children and then himself. October 2002 - Polk County, Oregon Bimla Boyd was arrested in the shooting death of Robert Spencer. Charles Boyd, her ex-husband, died of an "undetermined" cause. He was depressed for weeks before his death because he and his former wife, Bimla, were expelled from Jehovah's Witnesses in December 2001. When an authoritarian, asocial religious sect intervenes into a family's way of life the once harmonious, natural flow of daily living can be destroyed. This novel shows the effect the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) has on two families by exposing the reality that dwells behind the Society's faade. Although the Jehovah's Witness organization has over 6,000,000 members, 15,000,000 adherents and more than 94,600 congregations around the world the vast majority of the public is not aware of their eccentricities, which this novel has attempted to reveal.

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