Night of Rage
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Night of Rage


作者: Lilla Graci
页数: 244
定价: $ 15.26
ISBN: 9781418436452







Vicki and Jack, who had been high school sweethearts, begin a serious romance after attending the same college. Jack's darker side is revealed as they date, but Vicki believes that he will be okay after they marry. The book shows that marriage does not guarantee someone will change for the better. In Jack's case, he went off to look to a better job in New York City. Trained as a sculptor, he found a job making sculptures of nude women. He then began having affairs with the models. This is a riveting story about a marriage falling apart. Vicki cannot save her marriage. During a heated argument, Vicki throws hot oil on Jack's face. The resulting burns make him look like a monster and he develops an insane hatred for women. Vicki should have returned home without Jack and started her life over. Now, she has to go to court. Bruce, a policeman working her case, develops a romantic interest in her. Vicki's life is threatened when Jack comes back to kill her. The story is a warning that anger against someone is not worth the consequences. What comes after the anger, all too often, changes our lives for the worse.

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