Diary of a Suicide
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Diary of a Suicide


作者: Shaunda L·Clifton
页数: 156
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781418430917







You're standing at the edge of a cliff looking down at the crashing waves, your head racing, voices running through your mind telling you to jump. No one seems to care or understand. Your friends tell you that you have a mental illness and you "need help." Panic has set in, and you see no other way out-you are not alone. Statistics show that 20% or more of those who are diagnosed with a mental illness will commit suicide. The great news is this: 80% WILL SURVIVE LET'S BE IN THE 80% CLUB Maybe you do not have a mental illness and instead are just going through a tough time. Join us and be part of our survival club. Diary of a Suicide contains the journal of a person who has decided to die. Go along with him in his time of self-discovery. He writes about what people think of him and what he thinks of himself. Hiding his decision from the world weighs heavily on him; see how he handles it. If you find yourself in this book, and just about everyone who has read it has, know that you are one of us, which means you are a survivor.

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