How Anyone Can Attain Unimaginable Wealth in 24hrs Guaranteed
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How Anyone Can Attain Unimaginable Wealth in 24hrs Guaranteed


作者: Michael J·Stattelman
出版年: 2004-8
页数: 220
定价: $ 19.78
ISBN: 9781418427672







This book contains the leading edge principles of the author with time-tested fundamentals in success. It's designed to be easily applied to your life, and focuses more on building your strengths as well as cutting out the weaknesses or shortcomings. How the way you view things has more to do with the outcome than the actions you choose. The precision tools for success contained in the book are simple if you want but can also be as painstakingly accurate as possible in finding the opportunities around you. Hands down it is the field manual for the average person to accomplish what it is they truly want. Principles that you can apply at anytime and realize the possibilities that are everywhere in your life, giving you the chance to take advantage What could be so different from the other books with those obscene claims? The difference is; don't claim anything, Because you don't want claims you want results and that's exactly what you will get. The successful people throughout history past and present have proven and continue to solidify the fundamentals contained herein. Once you read this book there no reason for you not excel

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