Poetry, She Wrote I
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Poetry, She Wrote I


出版年: 2004-7
页数: 128
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9781418425715







This book Poetry, She Wrote I: Oh Magnify Him is a collection of poetry that magnifies the majesty and omnipotence of our Creator. This collection expresses the reality of the presence of an Awesome power, who maintains our destiny and fate. This all powerful presence can be felt by anyone who has the ability to tune in to oneself, to keep an open mind and believe. This belief can open the emotional window to the heart and provide an inspirational healing. There is a deep and sobering love for self and creator, embodied by this poetry. This particular collection emphasizes strong faith and a wish to implement, into our meager lives, the winning combination of belief and prayer to secure the promises of His Word. The words are powerful, thought-provoking, and spiritually stirring; some inspiring; some sympathetic; some stimulating; some focus on self-love; some speak of movement through life's phases-not aware of our destiny; some address how our loving creator watches over us; yet all echo the desire and longing each soul has, to connect with this Creator, in some manner, in order to understand the real meaning of life. The poems can be of great benefit -touching, healing, awakening, soothing. They encourage us to glorify our awesome creator. They promote humility, reflection and praise. All can enjoy this journey through life. Even though life itself is a risk--a tumultuous trip of ups and downs, highs and lows; it is yet a necessity. When we praise him, connect with him, follow his lead, experience His unlimited Grace, we will undoubtedly feel His presence and enjoy the journey-from beginning to end

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