Destiny's Consent
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Destiny's Consent


作者: Laura Shepard Townsend
页数: 232
定价: $ 27.06
ISBN: 9781418407674







"I'll never know what possessed my mother to steal my father's lions that night." So begins Destiny's Consent in which Angelica Grastande, an old gypsy crone, pokes and prods at the recollections hidden within her heart to retrace her life and its meanderings, which have returned to her a fragmented soul. She is not longer gypsy, no longer gadje, yet a little of both, a little of neither. Her recollections take her upon the grand adventure that has been her life. Angelica is a natural-born seeker, and the first book of the series, The Gypsy's Song, deals with the early years of what is to be her life-long odyssey. Destiny's Consent is the story of a woman living through some of the most important events of our time - World War I, the Great Flu Epidemic, the fight for women's Suffrage, Prohibition, the rise of Hollywood, the birth of aviation, and the creation of California with its unique characters and eras. Along the way, Angelica becomes by turns, lost, found, defeated and finally, exalted. "Laura Shepard Townsend makes history come alive during a fascinating era. Her characters stole my heart. Once begun, I could not put the books down." Stella Page "Laura Shepard Townsend's style is reminiscent of Robertson Davies' in The Deptford Trilogy. She has created a splendid and empowering female adventure punctuated with wisdom. I did not want the books to end." Rocky Graham

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