Journey of Light
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Journey of Light


作者: Stewart Bitkoff
页数: 200
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781418402563







According to tradition, humanity has originated far beyond the stars and must make the return journey back to the Source. In order to accelerate and fully embrace the multiple levels of the journey, each traveler must be spiritually awakened. This awakening, or jolt to the every day consciousness, must be directed and be strong enough to set the soul free. Once that happens, the spiritual traveler perceives the Source and can journey through life purposefully. Journey of Light: Trilogy (JOLT) chronicles the spiritual awakening of three men from different backgrounds. Through their own unique experience, each comes to know and is empowered by a mysterious force known as the Light. Slowly, they learn that this spiritual essence dissipates darkness and is the binding force of the universe. From it, they draw strength to move forward in their daily lives no matter how hectic they become. While some find comfort in asserting their belief is the only true way, most do not fully understand that religion is intended to vary according to time, place and the changing needs of people. The Light is the common spring from which we came and is the internal reality of all religious experience. This work offers reason for even the most skeptical of readers to believe in the reality of higher consciousness. A collection of novellas, JOLT will help you in your own search and inner journey. Dr. Bitkoff, as a young man, received training in two modern mystical schools and was designated to reveal selected aspects of the teaching in written form.

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