Private Property
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Private Property


作者: Renee Russell
页数: 58
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781413783476







Experience the trials and tribulation of love from the point of view of a young adult. If your heart was broken by your first love, you might want to check this out. Private Property is a real life diary of poems from love to heartache. Imagine yourself at a young age and you meet someone who you thought was your soul mate. Things are going well for you in the beginning, but by the sixth month you can clearly see that it's not going to work out. You naively couldn't see that your Asoul mate" thought of you as temporary, while for you, it was love. AI'll always be true," and AWhen I'm with youY" are the first signs of love. It takes you back to the days when your head was floating in the clouds while thinking of that special someone. Meanwhile, ADo you really love me?" is the first sign of doubt. When the truth hits, ADon't let this be goodbye," and AHow it could be?" finally get you to face the fact that it's over. Private Property allows you to see that there is life after love

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