The Rise of a Goddess
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The Rise of a Goddess


作者: Stephen Smith
页数: 436
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9781413751925







The depth and breadth of this series is not widely appreciated. At the core of the work is the timeless interplay between good and evil that has bedevilled mankind throughout his history and is developed at the physical, religious and psychological levels. During the unfolding of the story, the method of delivery alters from reported fact as the legend to favour mental imagery when events are reported in parallel as though they relate either to the legend or occur in the mind. The intention of the author is to hit that special chord at the end where the reader yearns for Debden, the main character, to be real. She is obliged to rise in stature both in terms of her physical powers and intellectually from a protected childhood. Her powers are incredible and without any known limit and so advanced that she must learn, not only what they are, but how best to use them without guidance. Despite this, her responsibilities are also beyond comprehension for she has jurisdiction over the entire Earth. Soon however, it is clear that even this is well within her capabilities and she is soon beyond even the higher gods in intellectual brilliance and highest magic. But despite it all, our heroine is a paradox of the most brilliant star that humankind will follow anywhere and self-reproach, and on whom pressure is unrelenting. The breaking point is never far below the surface and she continuously sails close to the wind. This story is developed over a canvas of many centuries and is forged robustly in terms of scale and action but with great sensitivity with respect to the key characters. Several parallel threads run through the work and there are many sub-plots. Three of them in order of importanceare as follows: the vulnerability of Debden, the early loss of her husband, for whom she is destined to search desperately for several centuries and thirdly, the consequences of immortality on relationships and the weariness of experience. But there are others and some are extremely pressing emotionally. The aRise of a Goddessa presents a great richness of landscapes and weathers. Wonderful kingdoms are described not only on the surface but deep beneath the Earth and in distant galaxies in a manner that is bold and expansive in nature. The raging battles of epic magnitude take place in these environments and Debdenas abilities take her into other times and dimensions. The story fuses our common knowledge of the weakness of man and imagination using a tale that passes from past to future and concludes in the furnace heat of the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle nebula, where Debden fights, on behalf of mankind, for the continuation of life itself.

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